Preserving Tennis Balls: How to Make Them Last Longer and Play Better

Hey Everyone! Coach Mike here. Tennis balls are an essential part of the game, but they don't last forever. If you're a regular player, you know that balls lose their bounce and effectiveness over time. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to preserve your tennis balls and make them last longer.

Preserving Tennis Balls: How to Make Them Last Longer and Play Better

Preserving Tennis Balls

There are several steps you can take to preserve your tennis balls and make them last longer.

Storing Tennis Balls

  1. Keep them cool: Heat is the enemy of tennis balls. When exposed to high temperatures, the rubber in the balls can start to degrade, causing them to lose their bounce and playability. To keep your balls in good condition, store them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

  2. Avoid humid conditions: Humidity can also be harmful to tennis balls. High humidity can cause the balls to absorb moisture, which can affect their bounce and make them feel heavier. To preserve your balls, store them in a cool, dry place, and keep them away from damp or humid conditions.

  3. Use a container or can: To protect your tennis balls from the elements and to help keep them in good condition, consider using a container or can. This will not only help to preserve them and make them last longer, but it also makes it easier to transport them to the court.

Preserving Tennis Balls: How to Make Them Last Longer and Play Better

Playing with Tennis Balls

  1. Rotate the balls: Using different balls during play can help to preserve them. Rotating balls, by playing with one set of balls for a certain number of games, then switching to another set, can help to ensure that no one ball is being used for an extended period of time, which can cause them to wear out more quickly.

  2. Avoid playing on abrasive surfaces: Playing on abrasive surfaces, such as clay or hard courts, can cause more wear and tear on the balls than playing on softer surfaces like grass or indoor courts. To preserve your balls, try to play on surfaces that are less abrasive when possible.

  3. Clean the balls: Cleaning the balls after play can help to remove dirt and grime that can affect their bounce and playability. To clean them, simply wipe them down with a damp cloth or give them a quick rinse under running water.

Preserving Tennis Balls: How to Make Them Last Longer and Play Better


Preserving tennis balls is essential to ensure that they last longer and play better. By keeping them cool and dry, avoiding humid conditions, rotating them during play, playing on less abrasive surfaces, and cleaning them regularly, you can help to extend the life of your tennis balls. Proper storage and maintenance of tennis balls will not only save you money in the long run, but it will also enhance the overall playing experience, allowing you to focus on the game, not the ball.

My name is Michael and I am the founder of CityTennis, located in Los Angeles, CA. Our classes take place in Koreatown, Culver City and DTLA (Downtown Los Angeles). We are the #1 tennis organization on Classpass. Come try out a class with us, or feel free to text us to set up a private lesson.
