Minimizing Knee Pain in Tennis: Tips and Techniques for a Pain-Free Game

Hey Everyone! Coach Mike here. Tennis is a high-impact sport that can take a toll on the joints, particularly the knees. Knee pain is a common problem among tennis players of all levels, and can range from a minor annoyance to a debilitating injury. However, there are steps you can take to minimize knee pain and keep playing the sport you love.

Minimizing Knee Pain in Tennis

Minimizing Knee Pain in Tennis

There are steps you can take to minimize knee pain and keep playing the sport you love.

Preventing Knee Pain

  1. Warm up and cool down properly: It's important to start your tennis sessions with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the workout. This should include a combination of stretching, cardiovascular exercise, and sport-specific movements. Similarly, you should finish each session with a proper cool-down, including stretching, to help your muscles recover.

  2. Strengthen your legs: Strong leg muscles, particularly in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, are essential for maintaining good knee health. Incorporating exercises like squats, lunges, and leg presses into your workout routine will help to support your knees and reduce your risk of injury.

  3. Use proper technique: Using proper technique when playing tennis can help to minimize the stress on your knees. This includes using the right grip, stance, and footwork for different shots. Take some time to learn the correct mechanics of the game, and practice your technique regularly.

  4. Wear proper shoes: Wearing shoes that are designed specifically for tennis and that fit well, can help to support your feet and knees while playing. Be sure to replace your shoes regularly, as they lose their support and cushioning over time.

Minimizing Knee Pain in Tennis

Treating Knee Pain

  1. Rest and Ice: If you experience knee pain during or after playing tennis, it's important to rest and ice the area. This will help to reduce inflammation and pain, and speed up the healing process.

  2. Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to alleviate knee pain caused by tennis by stretching and strengthening the muscles around the knee. A physical therapist can also help to identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to your knee pain and develop a treatment plan to address them.

  3. Medications: If necessary, you may need to take medication to help control knee pain, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids. However, it's best to avoid relying on medication as a long-term solution, and instead use them as a short-term solution while working on the other strategies mentioned above.

Minimizing Knee Pain in Tennis


Tennis is a great way to stay active and healthy, but it can also be tough on the knees. By taking steps to prevent knee pain and treating it appropriately when it occurs, you can minimize your risk of injury and keep playing the sport you love. Incorporating proper warm-up and cool-down routines, strengthening your legs, using proper technique, and wearing the right shoes, along with proper rest and treatment when needed, can all help you maintain healthy knees and stay on the court.

My name is Michael and I am the founder of CityTennis, located in Los Angeles, CA. Our classes take place in Koreatown, Culver City and DTLA (Downtown Los Angeles). We are the #1 tennis organization on Classpass. Come try out a class with us, or feel free to text us to set up a private lesson.
